Discover What Makes Your BRST Unique


Innovation & Science

Have you always wondered if it is possible to enlarge a breast through breast augmentation as gently as possible, with little to no pain, virtually no downtime in everyday life and with little risk in a natural way? Mia Femtech™ makes exactly this possible and gives us breast surgeons a new method with which the breast can be naturally enhanced in a gentle way without general anesthesia. The naturalness and harmonization of the breast is the top priority. As one of the first centers in the world, this global innovation is now available at BRST in the Clinic Utoquai.

Feel the difference, design your ultimate look, and experience support throughout your journey.

Evolution & Revolution

Hidden Scar

The Mia Femtech™ innovative technology allows during breast augmentation for an almost invisible, very small scar through a small incision in the axillary crease of the armpit. The single sharp incision remains hidden in your armpit. After the scar matures, it fades and is practically invisible.

Almost Painless

Due to the tissue-preserving procedure, no breast tissue is injured, and the treatment, which is performed in twilight sleep (without general anesthesia), is almost painless. After 1-2 days you can resume your daily routine. Sports activities are usually possible again after a few days after consultation with your breast surgeon.

Low Risk

As the name suggests, Mia Femtech™ is focused on women’s health and well-being. No general anesthesia, a true “no-touch” technique and all instrumentation being single-use are just a few examples to reduce the risk to a minimum during the breast augmentation. The surgical technique and the novel implant technology play a decisive role.

Breast augmentation – Our Team

Welcome to BRST. Our entire team has specialized in holistic treatment as well as aesthetic and reconstructive surgery of the breast for decades. From the surgeons to the anesthesia to our MPAs and BRST concierges, you are in the best and most competent hands during all phases of your treatment. After the procedure, our surgeons and/or concierges are always available to them by cell phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Since you are placing your trust in us by having an operation, close aftercare and support is extremely important to us. Book an appointment and get to know our team, which, in addition to common topics as breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast lift, implant removal or implant replacement, breast reconstruction after breast cancer with implant or autologous tissue can also provide you with competent advice on the most complex breast issues as second opinion after aesthetic or reconstructive surgery gone wrong, ALCL, congenital breast malformations, preventive breast removal and reconstruction and many others.

What patients say

A new body feeling thanks to Mia Femtech™


This Mia Femtech™ patient came to us with the desire to feel more comfortable in her body. It was important to her that her breasts looked natural even with an augmentation.


Happy with new cup size


Her small breasts were a huge stress for our patient for years. In her video, she explains why she decided to have a breast augmentation with Mia Femtech™ and how she is doing 3 months after the operation.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Mia Femtech™

Worldwide new method of gently and carefully inserting a breast implant with the help of an insertion device for breast augmentation.

Where is the scar?

The implant is inserted through a 2.5cm incision in the armpit. The resulting scar is practically invisible.

When can I go back to work?

After 1-2 days it is usually possible to return to work.

When can I start doing sports again?

Sports activities are usually possible again after a few days after consultation with your breast surgeon.

How long does the procedure take?

The procedure, which is performed on an outpatient basis, usually takes no longer than one hour, including the patient’s induction, surgery and discharge from the operating room. Afterwards, patients usually leave the clinic 30-60 minutes after the end of the surgery.

What are the guarantees in case of complications?

If a complication should occur, which is usually very rare, we offer a guarantee. You will be informed in detail during the consultation.

Is the operation painful?

Since Mia Femtech™ is a uniquely gentle operation, it is associated with very little pain. If necessary, our patients take light painkillers for 1-2 days on average, which are provided by BRST.

How much does breast augmentation with Mia Femtech™ cost?

As a rule, the operation costs about 30% more than a conventional breast augmentation, as this is a worldwide new procedure, which BRST is one of the first centers worldwide to offer at Clinic Utoquai. In addition, only single-use material is used during the operation. The costs for anesthesia, all follow-up examinations and regular ultrasound checks of the implant are included. The exact costs will be explained to you by the surgeon during the consultation.

Will a tear-drop shaped or a round implant be used at Mia Femtech™?
During surgery, a round, diamond-shaped Ergonomix2® Diamond implant is inserted, which achieves more projection and breast volume than a conventional implant of the same size. Rotation (turning) or flipping (180-degree tilting) of the implant no longer affects the shape of the breast due to the new shape.
How should I prepare for my Mia procedure?

In preparation for your Mia® procedure, please take into consideration the following:

  • Show up to your procedure day with shaved axillae (armpits)
  • Do not eat food for at least 6 hours before your procedure
  • Do not drink clear liquids for at least 2 hours before your procedure (water, pulp-free juice, tea, or coffee)
  • Do not wear any deodorant to your procedure
  • Do not wear any make-up to your procedure
  • Do not wear any perfume to your procedure
  • Do not wear any cream or body lotion to your procedure
  • Please consult with your health care professional for any further medical recommendations
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